Welcome to Boogiebooker.

We are here to bring a solution, driven by passion.

It is a long-awaited need to have a fresh and structured approach for all parties of an artist booking process in the music industry. As a devoted team of artists, promoters, and dance floor enthusiasts, we merge our perspectives to design a platform that offers a conscious experience of secure bookings, achieved with ease and trust.

Collaborative creation is inspiring and synergy is everything. Boogiebooker is now under development, aiming to redefine a holisitc environment for artist discovery, streamline the booking process, and enhance artist autonomy.

“We” are all on the same side. Let the offstage aspects be hassle-free, and the bookings be precise and straightforward. Verbal commitments, Whatsapp texts, pursuit of emails... We will handle it all from here with our user-friendly features.

Berlin based and all around soon.

Stay tuned!
